Sharing Home Directory with NFS in Multi-Host Environments: A Step-by-Step Guide

nfs share

Introduction: In multi-host environments, having a shared home directory can simplify user management and data access across different servers. NFS (Network File System) allows you to achieve this by sharing the home directory among multiple hosts over a network. This article provides a detailed, step-by-step guide on how to set up NFS to share the … Read more

Resolving Zabbix’s Lack of Incoming Webhook Support with a Custom Script

Introduction: Zabbix is a popular open-source monitoring solution used by many organizations to monitor the health and performance of their systems and applications. However, one limitation of Zabbix is its lack of built-in support for incoming webhooks. Webhooks are a common method for receiving real-time data and events from external sources. In this blog post, … Read more

Running Minikube on Ubuntu 20.04 for Development

minikube on ubuntu

Introduction Docker is a popular platform for building, shipping, and running distributed applications. It uses containerization technology to create isolated environments for running applications. Minikube, on the other hand, is a tool that enables you to run Kubernetes locally on your machine. In this article, we will be discussing how to install Docker and Minikube … Read more

Bash script to automate your Ubuntu security checks – Updated with salt-state file

oscap automation

The field of cybersecurity is constantly evolving, and organizations need to be able to protect their assets against ever-evolving threats. This is where the Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG) comes in. STIGs are guidelines developed by the United States Department of Defense (DoD) that provide a standardized approach for securing computer systems and networks. OpenSCAP … Read more

How to create and extend Logical Volume (LV) in Linux

how to extend lvm

Logical Volume Manager (LVM) is a tool that allows users to manage hard drives more flexibly by abstracting the physical hard drives into logical volumes. LVM provides a way to create and extend partitions on the fly without the need for formatting or repartitioning the disk. This article will provide a step-by-step guide on how … Read more

Getting Started With Vagrant

Introduction:Vagrant is a software or tool which provides a command line interface to interact with different hyper-visors, i.e., VirtualBox or VMWare. With the help of vagrant, you can create your virtualized development environment more efficiently. Purpose:What if you have to create a Cent-OS environment in your development environment? You will first have to download the … Read more

Crack Caesar cipher using frequency analysis

Recently, I ran into a problem where I was asked to bruteforce the Caesar Cipher with frequency analysis to find the key frequency as well as decrypt the following ciphter text. In order to decrypt the cipher text provided above, my first approach was to write a brute force algorithm with different possible keys to … Read more

Bash Script to join CentOS-7 Servers in Windows AD Environment

If you are working in a hybrid environment, where you need to manage multiple windows and Linux servers altogether. It is always a good idea to integrate them with Active Directory for central users and policies management. Recently, I was assigned a task to integrate couple of CentOS-7 servers with the MS-AD environment, so instead … Read more

How easy is it to get started with Docker and Docker-Compose in Linux environment?


This article is intended for the audience with basic containerization concepts, please read about Docker in details here if you are not familiar with the concept. Docker overview: Docker is tool/utility designed to make it easier to create, deploy, and run applications by using containers. Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container … Read more

Centeralized log Management System for VMWare Infrastructure using CentOS-7

GrayLog Configuration with ESXi Hosts

Virtualization is the hot topic now a days and almost every company either migrated or planning to migrate from ‘Traditional datacenter’ to ‘Virtualized datacenter’. It is easy to view logs on individual ESXI hosts when the number is down.But what if the number of ESXI hosts are more than 10 or 100. In that case … Read more